# The following example demonstrates the use of the FSM class in
# processing RPN expressions. Run this module from the command line.
# You will get a prompt ] for input.
# Enter an RPN Expression.
# Numbers may be integers. Operators are * / + -
# Use the = sign to evaluate and print the expression.
# For example:
# 167 3 2 2 * * * 1 - =
# will print:
# 2003
import string
# These define the actions.
# Note that "something" is a list being used as a stack.
def BeginBuildNumber (fsm):
fsm.something.append (fsm.input_symbol)
def BuildNumber (fsm):
s = fsm.something.pop ()
s = s + fsm.input_symbol
fsm.something.append (s)
def EndBuildNumber (fsm):
s = fsm.something.pop ()
fsm.something.append (int(s))
def DoOperator (fsm):
ar = fsm.something.pop()
al = fsm.something.pop()
if fsm.input_symbol == '+':
fsm.something.append (al + ar)
elif fsm.input_symbol == '-':
fsm.something.append (al - ar)
elif fsm.input_symbol == '*':
fsm.something.append (al * ar)
elif fsm.input_symbol == '/':
fsm.something.append (al / ar)
def DoEqual (fsm):
print str(fsm.something.pop())
def Error (fsm):
print 'That does not compute.'
print str(fsm.input_symbol)
# This is where the example starts and the FSM state transitions are defined.
# Note that states (such as 'INIT') are strings. This is not necessary, but
# it makes the example easier to read.
def example ():
f = FSM ('INIT', []) # "something" will be used as a stack.
f.set_default_transition (Error, 'INIT')
f.add_transition_any ('INIT', None, 'INIT')
f.add_transition ('=', 'INIT', DoEqual, 'INIT')
f.add_transition_list (string.digits, 'INIT', BeginBuildNumber, 'BUILDING_NUMBER')
f.add_transition_list (string.digits, 'BUILDING_NUMBER', BuildNumber, 'BUILDING_NUMBER')
f.add_transition_list (string.whitespace, 'BUILDING_NUMBER', EndBuildNumber, 'INIT')
f.add_transition_list ('+-*/', 'INIT', DoOperator, 'INIT')
print 'Enter an RPN Expression.'
print 'Numbers may be integers. Operators are * / + -'
print 'Use the = sign to evaluate and print the expression.'
print 'For example: '
print ' 167 3 2 2 * * * 1 - ='
inputs = raw_input (']')
for s in inputs:
f.process (s)
if __name__ == '__main__':
example ()