Trephination References

Fletcher, Robert M.R.C.S. Eng.
On prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets.
in Contributions to North American Ethnology Volume V
Department of the Interior
U. S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rockey Mountain Region
Government Printing Office

Oakley, F. P., Dr., F.B.A., Brooke, Winifred M. A., Akester, A. Roger, Brothwell, D. R. 1959 Contributions on trepanning or trephination in ancient and modern times. Man A Monthly Record of Anthropological Science June 1959 Vol. LIX Article 133 Pp 93-96
The following references are courtesy of Alice C. Gorman, Department of Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology University of New England, Armidale NSW
Bold type represent resources that I have actually been able to locate in a library.

Broca, P.  
Sur l'age des sujets a la trepanation chirugicale Neolithiques.  
Bulletins de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris 

Crump, H.J. 1901 Trephining in the South Seas. Journal of the Anthropological Institute 31:167-173
Daland, J. 1935 Depressed fracture and trephinning of the skull by the Incas of Peru. Annals of Medical History 7:550-558
Guiard, E. 1930 La trepanation cranienne chez les Neolithiques et chez les primitifs modernes. Masson et Cie, Paris
Hrdlicka, A. 1939 Trepanation among prehistoric people, especially in America. Ciba Symposium 1:170-177
Ortner, Donald J. and Putschar, Walter G.J. 1985 Identification of pathological conditions in human skeletal remains. Smithsonian Istitution Press, Washington
Parry, T.W. 1931 Neolithic man and penetration of the human skull. Lancet 2:1388-1390
Parry, T.W. 1936 Three skulls from Palestine showing two types of primitive surgical holing, being the first skulls exhibiting this phenomenon that have been discovered on the mainland of Asia. Man 36-170-171
Romero, J. Dental mutilation, trephination and cranial deformation. In T.D. Stewart (ed) Handbook of Middle American Indians: Physical Anthropology. 9:50-57
Ruffer, M.A. 1918 Studies in palaeopathology: some recent researches on prehistoric trephining. Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology 22:90-104
Stewart, T.D. 1950 Deformity, trephining and mutilation in South American Indian skeletal remains. In J.H. Steward, (ed), Handbook of South American Indians. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 143(6):43-48
The following references are courtesy of John Verano, Tulane Department of Anthropology
Bold type represent resources that I have actually been able to locate in a library.

Allison, Marvin J. and Alejandro Pezzia
Treatment of head wounds in pre-columbian and colonial peru.
Medical College of Virginia Quarterly 

Bennike, P. 1985 Palaeopathology of Danish skeletons, a comparative study of demography, disease, and injury. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag.
Furnas, David W., Sheikh, M.A., van den Hombergh, P., Froeling, F., and I. M. Nunda 1985 Traditional craniotomies of the Kisii tribe of Kenya. Annals of Plastic Surgery 15(6):538-556
Janssens, P. A. 1970 Palaeopathology: diseases and injuries of prehistoric man. London: John Baker Ltd.
Lisowski, F. P. 1967 Prehistoric and early historic trepanation. in Diseases in Antiquity. Donald R. Brothwell and A. T. Sandison, eds. pp 651-672. Springfield, Illionois: Charles C. Thomas.
Margetts, E. L. 1967 Trepanation of the skull by the medicine-men of primitive cultures, with particular reference to present-day native East African practice. In Diseases in Antiquity. Donald R. Brothwell and A. T. Sandison, eds. pp 673-701. Springfield, Illionois: Charles C. Thomas.
Piggot, S. 1940 A trepanned skull of the Beaker period. from Dorset and the practice of trepanning in prehistoric Europe. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 6(3):112-132
Stewart, T. Dale 1957 Stone age skull surgery: a general review, with emphasis on the new world. Annual report of the Smithsonian Institution 1957: 469-491
Tyson, Rose A. and E. S. Dyer Alcauskas eds. 1980 Catalogue of the Hrdlicka paleopathology collection. San Diego California: San Diego Museum of Man.
Walker, A. E. 1951 A history of neurological surgery. Baltimore, Maryland: Williams and Wilkins
Wilkinson, Richard G. 1975 Techniques of ancient skull surgery. Natural History 84(8): 94-101
Wilkinson, Richard G. 1975 Trephination by drilling in ancient Mexico. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 51(7):838-850

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